Friday, August 31, 2007

Reflective Writes

today we went and woerked on the wiki sight, i could not post during this time the wiki wasnt working, many other students had the same problem.
we watched a verry old movie on dession makeing and it was done by a comedian who acted like a kid durring his act, he showed kids how dumb they where by acting like them. it talked a lot about teen pregnancies and drug use.
today is the day i presented on the effects of smokeing, i made it quiet obvious to the calss that i did not like the website that we had to use. but i also tole the about how quitting smokeing cause betetr health less bad smelling things, more money in you pocket, and an assortment of other things. then james persented on withdrawl and what happens when you go through it,
i was not in class on this day i herd from classmates that you guys played cards.
we talked more about testi cancer.
today we went into the comp lab and took aprt in the drug question and answer thing, the profesionals at the center answerd some questions, many of the questions they wasted there time answereing where dumb ones like " are you there" and " are you humans " instead of answering good questions. they did manage to answer some questions but not verry many. for a room full of people in a 24 hour period they answer about ass many questions as a single person answerd for me one night on an ISP chat site.
today in class i did my juicing project and made a huge mess like always, the big kahounas anticipated my over abundance of mess and juice and came prepaird with large cups for us. after i was done makeing a mess we talked about testi cancer and that the sooner you catch it the better chancees of getting rid of it you got.
in class today we began research on tobbaco things mine was how effects that happen after quiting. in my research i found that bad smelling clothing disaperas if you stop smokeing . so folkes forget doing laundry start smokeing then stop you will be all set :)....(btw im just kidding please wash your clothing, thank you)
today in calss we had a presentor. his nam was riki and he talked about differnt contraseptives. he talked alot about what could happen if un-safe-sex is praticed and how many STIs have common symtoms and the best way to find out is to get tested.
today in class we had a presenter who talked to us about STIs. ricky talked about the 7 most common stis. they are Chlamydia, Gonorrhiea, Syphilis, HIV/Aids, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, and Crabs. POST NOT FINISHED HAD TO SWITCH CLASSES
today in class we saw a presentation on organ donation. this was presented by Mr. Carter, he talked about how organs work, sizes of organs, what happens when those organs fail, how long an organ can be out of a body and still be effective, two different ways of dieing and many other things. one of the main organs that mr carter focused on was the liver and how you need it to survive. also that if your liver is not working properly that you need to be on a machine called dalysis. this filters your blood and it needs to happen 3 times a week. when you finaly get a new liver then you need to take exspensive drugs for the rest of your life. its $1,100 a month and it makes your body accept the organ. if you dont take the medication your immune system will attack the organ and you will die. Mr carter also talked about how to become an organ donner. even if your lisence is signed saying that you will donate organs your closest loved on still has to ok it otherwise they cant take out the organs. he also talked about how the liver can regenerate itself. so you can take part of someones liver and then give it to someone who needs it and it will grow to full size in 6 weeks. he also talked about driver ed related stuff like,In 1964-ford was the first to put seat belts into American cars,In 1950's-volvo was the first car to put seatbelts in,In 1968-it was made a law so that all cars must have seatbelts,In 2001-the law "click it or ticket" was enforced. Neils Bjorn designed the shoulder strap for the seat belt.
today in class people presented there vitamin projects. things we learned during this time are: Cologen is what holds tissue together in animals
Vitamin C helps strengthen blood vessels
Vitamin C is not as effective if your taking asprin
today in class we found out about our new project, and the health pyramid. we learned that we are going to be in groups of 3 for this project and we will all ahve to work together for the final product. my two partners are maddison and beth. we are the first group and our project is on grains. there are five parts to the project so someone is going to have to do extra work. we also have independent projects that we will ahve to work on as we work on the group project.
i have not yet posted on class because the first attempt when i hit post blog it did not post it instead went back to the dashboard and did not save my post. then today when i tried to post my computer's powercord died and i was unable to post, this is why my post is late. i was not in class the full time because i was in a meeting, from the time i got to class to the end we watched 3 videos. the 3 videos where on 3 different juicers rangeing in quality and in price. Breville Juice Fountain Elite is the first one we looked at it is all stainless steal and has a titamium cutting blade with very few parts to clean the motor is 1000 watts which spins the blade at 13,000 rpms. this is the one we will be useing in class. the second one we looked at was Jack Lalanne it works as both a juicer and a food prosessor. It has a stainless steal cutting blade and it has only 2 parts that need to be cleaned. the third one was the juicer man and he gave a free hippo when you bought his juicer. he didnt explan about his jucier just said free hippo.
What is juicing and why would you want to have juicing be part of a healthy lifestyle? yesterday we learned that our next topic will be jucing. we where told to research the given websites and find out what we could about juicing and why it is good for us. when looking at the websites i found out that depending on how your indvidual body works you should drink different kinds of juice diets. like if you are a protine type you should only use certain vegatables like "celery, spinach, asparagus, string beans and cauliflower (including the base)." i also found out that the serving sizes should not be more then 6 Oz and can get as low as 3 to 4 Oz. i also found out that it is an easy way to get as many nutrients from a vegatable as possable. also the website i put above tells ways to get more out of jucing like adding eggs or garlic or protein powder. I have a question though, at an earlier date it was said to be good for you to drink raw eggs and so many people did. But now-a-days its said to be bad to drink raw eggs and this website suggest organic eggs. dose the organic eggs make a difference in salmonella, and if it dose not make a difference then is the health tips that this website are giveing a good idea to be listening to.


Today we had a shortened class because of NECAP testing scedual. We went for a walk outside to see how the simplest things can be health related such as the sun or walking to the cone thing in 15 seconds then the bees and trash. then we talked about how sports pretain to all 5 areas of health. then we watched some videos on juice and how to make it yourself.


Today i learned how to make my own blogspot account and a wiki account. then i changed my password for both. i added videos to my blog then i added two links. then changed my backround. then i insurted ther picture on the left of a band that i got off the internet useing there url as a host so i didnt need to save the picture to the computer.


Jack Cohun said...

Nice Job!!

Jack Cohun said...

Did you do any research on consuming raw eggs? If not get on a search and report back to the class. The neat thing about the web is that finding the answer rests on your shoulders also.

Jack Cohun said...

Nice work on your reflective writes.

Jack Cohun said...

Missing 4 posts!!!!