Friday, August 31, 2007

Type 1 and 2 Writes


Today in class we learned that there are five differnt catagories in health. They are Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. We where tought that all five of those catagories are in every-day-life. so we went for a walk outside to find examples around school that we do without thinking about. then we talked about wether what we did pretained to Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional, or Spiritual health and if it could be more then one. The first thing we found when we got outside was the sun. this was physical health because cancer and eye problems, i was the onley person to have sunglasses with them, and no-one had a hat. we talked about how to reduce the effects of the sun. we also talked about allergies like bee stings and this was physical because if a person was stung they would swell up and be in pain. another physical health we talked about had to do with sports and being in shape, along with a no vehicle road that would be safe for people to walk on. Next is social health, some of the things we talked about with that where the trash on the ground and how animals and things could die from eating. stress was another element of health, stress fell into all catagories because it can be shown or taken in many different ways. sports was another that fit into all catagories of health because of the social aspect and then playing of sports for spiritual and physical and even emotional about winnign a game or rooting for your team. Next was mental health and for this we talked about judgement. mainly it was time judgement when he gave us a set amount of time to go a set distance and we needed to decide weather to walk run or a mixture of both. once again sports and stress fal under this catagorie as well for thinking about the sports and haveing to metally deal with stress. after mental was emotional health, the big thing in that one was stress and vandalism. stress is an emotion so it only makes sense to bve under emotional health but vandalisum is emotional because of the feeling you have when vandalising something or the feelings you recive if something of yours has been vandalized. the last catagorie of health is spiritual. for this part of health we looked at settings and we where at the sports feilds so we focused on how sports can be a good place to be like if it is sunny out it could lift four mood and how you feel. those are the 5 catagories of health that we talked about during our outside activity in class.