Friday, August 31, 2007

Type 1 and 2 Writes


Today in class we learned that there are five differnt catagories in health. They are Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. We where tought that all five of those catagories are in every-day-life. so we went for a walk outside to find examples around school that we do without thinking about. then we talked about wether what we did pretained to Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional, or Spiritual health and if it could be more then one. The first thing we found when we got outside was the sun. this was physical health because cancer and eye problems, i was the onley person to have sunglasses with them, and no-one had a hat. we talked about how to reduce the effects of the sun. we also talked about allergies like bee stings and this was physical because if a person was stung they would swell up and be in pain. another physical health we talked about had to do with sports and being in shape, along with a no vehicle road that would be safe for people to walk on. Next is social health, some of the things we talked about with that where the trash on the ground and how animals and things could die from eating. stress was another element of health, stress fell into all catagories because it can be shown or taken in many different ways. sports was another that fit into all catagories of health because of the social aspect and then playing of sports for spiritual and physical and even emotional about winnign a game or rooting for your team. Next was mental health and for this we talked about judgement. mainly it was time judgement when he gave us a set amount of time to go a set distance and we needed to decide weather to walk run or a mixture of both. once again sports and stress fal under this catagorie as well for thinking about the sports and haveing to metally deal with stress. after mental was emotional health, the big thing in that one was stress and vandalism. stress is an emotion so it only makes sense to bve under emotional health but vandalisum is emotional because of the feeling you have when vandalising something or the feelings you recive if something of yours has been vandalized. the last catagorie of health is spiritual. for this part of health we looked at settings and we where at the sports feilds so we focused on how sports can be a good place to be like if it is sunny out it could lift four mood and how you feel. those are the 5 catagories of health that we talked about during our outside activity in class.


Testicular and Cervical Cancer
Testicular cancer is rather rare and not said to be deadly , as long as it is treated. Scientists have been trying to understand how and why testicular cancer is caused but no causes have been found. Testicular cancer can run in the family, if a baby is born with un-descended testicles then the baby is more likely to get testicular cancer and if the testicles are twisted this can lead to testicular cancer. The symptoms for testicular cancer include; swellings, pain in the lower pelvic region, a lump and sometimes nausea. The treatment for testicular cancer include; the removal of the testical, and chemotherapy can be done.Another cancer is known as cervical cancer, which is very common in women. A strand of the virus known as HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) is a major cause for cervical cancer. This virus can be passed from a male to a female, even if the male has no symptoms. HPV can be gotten if sexual contact is done with someone who has HPV. There may be no symptoms of HPV or in some cases genital warts can appear. There is a vaccine that helps prevent the two stands of the cervical cancer which is known as Gardasil, which is obtained over a time period of 6 months.

as you can see from reading this i do not agree with there information
Why Quit?
stated by the website provided smokeing can cause many health risk, i do not know what to beleive because there are no specifics for what can go wrong for different things that are being smoked. the site dose not tell if it is talking about ciggerets or cigars or other forms of smokeing products. it states that smokeing also causes other things including cancer of the mouth, voice box (larynx), throat (pharynx), esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, cervix, stomach, and some leukemias. once again it dosnt state what the research was done on. smokeing is said to cause premature wrinkling of the skin, bad breath, bad smelling clothing, and bad smelling hair. this is opinionated because some people enjoy the smell of smoke. it is also said to be the most common cause of blindness in the elderly. it is also said that smokers are twice as likly to die of a heart attack. Women over 35 who smoke and use birth control pills are in a high-risk group for heart attack, stroke, and blood clots of the legs. Based on data collected in the late 1990s, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that adult male smokers lost an average of 13.2 years of life and female smokers lost 14.5 years of life because of smoking, smokeing what we do not know because the website dose not state what the person was smokeing. no matter how long you smoke for if you stop smokeing then you will increase your health. these are quoted things from the site that will happen if you quit

Quitting smoking has major and immediate health benefits for men and women of all ages. Benefits apply to people with and without smoking-related disease.
Former smokers live longer than continuing smokers.
Quitting smoking decreases the risk of lung cancer, other cancers, heart attack, stroke, and chronic lung disease.
Women who stop smoking before pregnancy or during the first 3 to 4 months of pregnancy reduce their risk of having a low birth weight baby to that of women who never smoked.
The health benefits of quitting smoking far exceed any risks from the less than 10 pound weight gain or any adverse psychological effects that may follow quitting.
What Are the Benefits Over Time?

20 minutes after quitting: Your heart rate and blood pressure drops.
12 hours after quitting: The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.
2 weeks to 3 months after quitting: Your circulation improves and your lung function increases.
1 to 9 months after quitting: Coughing and shortness of breath decrease; cilia (tiny hair-like structures that move mucus out of the lungs) regain normal function in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce the risk of infection.
1 year after quitting: The excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker's.
5 years after quitting: Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5 to 15 years after quitting.
10 years after quitting: The lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smoker's. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix, and pancreas decrease.
15 years after quitting: The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker's.
Visible and Immediate Rewards of Quitting

Premature wrinkling of the skin, Bad breath, Stained teeth, Gum disease, Bad smelling clothes and hair, Yellow fingernails, will change if you stop smokeing.

the immediate things that you will notice are, Food tastes better. Your sense of smell returns to normal Ordinary activities no longer leave you out of breath (for example, climbing stairs or light housework)
there are many kids of contraseptives. theres both male and female condoms. there are spermicides that kill sperm(make the vagina a hostil place) the spermicide can come in the form of creams jellies and foam. anotehr form that can be used is the spunge, it forms a berrier that sperm cant get through.Some prescription contraceptives are the pill, its taken once a day every day at roughly the same time. the patch, is placed on the body and releases hormones this last for one moth switching between periods. the ring, is inserted in the vagina and last for one month. the shot, can be done eather monthy or every three months. diaphrams, is a cervical sheild which look like little trampolines.
planned parrent hood says that parents whould talk more with there childeren, for many this is not confortable and that makes what planned parent hood a good thing. for those who cant talk to there parents verry easily they can talk to the professinals at palnned and seek help if its needed.
contraseptives should be made available to anyone who is pretiapateing in sexual acts. even if the said person cant become pregnate say there is some really young couple that shouldnt be haveing sex in the first place, but they are even though they cant get pregnate allowing them to use contraseptives at a young age would make safe sex a habbit instead of a nussence.
Genital Herpes
It is an infection caused by Herpes simplex virus. You can get it by sexual or skin to skin contact with someone who has it. The symptoms are painful sores and swollen glands. You can find out if you have it by a medical exam or a blood test. It is treated by medications that help with outbreaks, but it can't be cured. If it is not taken care of you can have bad outbreaks of sores, it can spread to other people, and from a mother to her child during birth.
Genital Warts
It is an infection from Human Papilloma Virus. You can get it by sexual or skin to skin contact with someone who has it. The symptoms are small cauliflower like bumps that grown in and around the genitals. You can know if you have it by getting a medical exam, or women can get a PAP test. There is no cure for it, but the warts that grow can be removed. If you don't take care of it the warts can spread, it can cause cervical cancer in women, it can be passed from a mother to her child during birth, and it can spread during sex.
Pubic Lice "crabs"
It is a parasite that lives in pubic hair. You can get it by sexual or skin to skin contact with someone who has it or by sharing towels, bedding, clothes... The symptoms are itching, lice eggs in pubic hair, and small dots of blood on underwear. You can find out if you have it by a medical exam. It is treated by a spacial shampoo. It may lead to a bacterial infection, it can spread to other people, and the symptoms will get steadily worse it you don't take care of it.
It is a bacterial infection. You can get it by sexual with someone who has it. The symptoms for women are pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, and bleeding after intercourse. For men the symptoms are painful urination, and discharge from the penis. You can find out if you have it by a urine test or a discharge sample. It is treated with antibiotics. If you don't take care of it, it can lead to severe infections, infertility, getting passed from a mother to child during birth, and spread to sexual partners.
It is a bacterial infection. You can get it by sexual contact with someone who has it. The symptoms for women are pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, sore throat, fever, and blood/pus from the anus. The symptoms for men are painful urination, discharge, blood/pus from the anus, and sore throat. You can find out it you have it from a urine test. It it treated with antibiotics. If you don’t take care of it, it can lead to infertility, passing from a mother to child during birth, heart trouble, and skin issues.
It is a bacterial infection. You can get it from sex with someone who has it. The symptoms are sores on the mouth, penis, vagina, and anus. You can find out if you have it by an exam of the sores or a blood test. It is treated by antibiotics and possibly hospitalization. If you don’t take care of it, it can lead to rash, fever, hair loss, aches, sore throat, damage to heart/brain, damage to a fetus, and death.
It is a virus that damages the immune system. You can get it from sex with an infected person, breast mild, blood to blood contact, and sharing contaminated needles. The symptoms are fever, chills, weight loss, diarrhea, cough, fatigue, swollen glands, white spots in mouth, and blotches on skin. You can find out if you have it by a blood test of and orasure test. It is treated with a variety of medicines. If you don’t take care of it, it can lead to life threatening illnesses, it can spread from a mother to her children during birth, and it can spread to other people.

Shared Projects From Peers


Madison Waryas
- Vitamin B-6, works as a coenzyme, a molecule that provides a transfer site for chemical reactions within your body, it helps convert tryptophan, the chemical in turkey that makes you sleepy, to niacin, which can be found in multiple foods including: meat, fish, eggs, milk, and whole grained foods.This vitamin promotes a healthy cardivascular, nervous, and immune systems, and supports healthy skin, hair and nails and a normal red- blood cell formation. It can be used as a possible anemia treatment, functions as a tranquilizer. It also causes a reduction of PMS symptoms and may reduce asthma symptoms and it increases serotonin to ease sleep. People who would benefit from taking B-6 vitamins include pregnant or breast-feeding women, substance abusers, estrogen or contraceptive user, or those with increased nutritional needs.This vitamin can be found naturally in many foods, including: avacados, bananas, chicken, ham, potatoes, salmon, shrimp, sunflower seeds, and many others. B-6 is available in liquid form, due to its fast absorption.Before taking B-6, you should consult your doctor if you have intestinal problem, liver disease, overactive thyroid, or sickle-cell disease. If you are over 55, a marginal deficincy of this vitamin is more likely to occur. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid large doses because it could cause dependency in the child. Some symptoms of deficiency include weakness, mental confusion, inablity to sleep, irratablity, anemia, or tongue discoloration. Signs of an overdose include include irreversible nerve damage, and excess use of the vitamin may lead to kidney stones. Stop and consult your doctor if depression occurs and you are on an oral contraceptive, or if you have been taking the vitamin for several months and begin to have severs sensory neuropathy. This vitamin interacts with many other substances. Some of these include: oral contraceptives reduce vitamin absorption rates, as do tobacco and alcohol and phenytoin.

Vitamin E is very beneficial to the body. Vitamin E has makes it so you have a healthy circulatory system. It helps prevent bloot clotting and decreases the wound healing process. Vitamin E also "decreases symptoms of premenstrual syndrom and certain types of breast disease". There have been studies that state, taking large amounts of vitamin E decreases the risk of atherosclerosis. Vitamin E is categorized in the fat tissues of our bodies. This can last from a few days to six months. This can be bad at times though, because if you get too much of it, it will get go to your liver and can cause serious health problems. Some Sources of Vitamin E are:Wheat germVegetable oil and margarineAvocadoWhole grain productsEgg yolkNutsLiverPeanut butterYou cant really overdose on a vitamin but too much of Vitamin E can casue nausea and digestive problems.

Beth Comtois-
Vitamin B3, or Niacin, is a vitamin that is like other B vitamins it creates enzymes that are a key to changing food into energy, combining hormones, repair genetic material, and keeps the nervous system functioning. It is needed for 50 body processes. You can get vitamin B3 from things like, Beef liver, Brewer’s yeast, the white meat of a chicken, dried beans and peas, fortified cereals, halibut, peanut butter, peanuts, pork, potatoes, salmon, soybeans, swordfish, tuna and turkey. This vitamin can help with treating pellagra, can decreases cholesterol, if taken in large doses can dilate blood vessels, it helps handle ear ringing and dizziness, its great for genetic material repair, there can be a reduction in heart attacks, it calms depression and migraine headaches, and possible poor digestion could be improved. Some of the benefits of Vitamin B3 are, it can help people with poor food intake by keeping them healthy, pregnant woman or woman that are breast feeding can help there child by giving them the right amount of vitamins, with substance abusers it can help improve their mental awareness, people that are severe burn or injury patients it can help heal their wounds, infants with disorders that a don't turn there food into energy, and people that have had heart problems it can help also. Vitamin B3 is offered as a liquid or tablet but it is more readily available in liquid due to high bio-availability and it is better due to faster absorption. When digesting this vitamin you should talk to your doctor if you have, diabetes, gout, gallbladder or liver disease , internal bleeding, and glaucoma because it can make you worse if taken to much or to little. There are some deficiencies with taking this vitamin may have dermatitis on you hand and face, lose of appetite, a sore mouth, diarrhea, and depression. If you have had an overdose of this vitamin, you may have body flush, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, light headiness, headache, fainting, high blood sugar, high uric acid, and heart- rhythm disturbance. From this vitamin you can have many different side effects. There is abdominal pain, headache, diarrhea, darkened urine, faintness, feeling hot, and dry skin. Last but not least there can be interaction that might not be good with this vitamin. Most of these interactions happen with medications that you are taking. For example, Antibiotics, Tetracycline, Aspirin, Blood Pressure Medications, Alpha-blockers, Cholesterol-lowering Medications, Diabetes Medications, and Nicotine Patches. The other things that it can interact with are, Anti-diabetics it can lead to a reduction in the anti-diabetic effect, the beta-adrenergic blockers can cause incredibly low blood pressures, tobacco can lead to a reduction in niacin effect, and alcohol can cause an incredible reduction in blood pressure.

Luke Conway-
Vitamin B-5 also known as Pantothenic Acid is used by the body to help take carbohydrates, protein, and fat and turn them into energy. There are many benefits of this vitamin, it helps with natural growth, it helps take the food that you eat and turn it into energy, and it can help relieve stress and fatigue. There is a large list of common foods that have Pantothenic Acid in them, these foods include Avocados, Bananas, Blue cheese, Broccoli, Chicken, Collard greens, Eggs, Lentils, Liver, Lobster, Meats, Milk, Oranges, Peanut butter, Peanuts, Peas, Soybeans, Sunflower seeds, Wheat germ, and Whole-grain products. Vitamin B-5 can be taken in different forms, but liquid is the best because your body absorbs it the fastest.There are some minor downfalls to taking Vitamin B-5. If you have Hemophilia(when your blood does not clot) you should consult a doctor before taken extra Vitamin B-5. The only affect of taking too much Vitamin B-5 is diarrhea, if this occurs you should reduce the amount of Vitamin B-5 that you are taking and see a doctor. Vitamin B-5 can limit the effect of the medicine Levodopa. Also its own effects are limited if it is used by a person who uses tobacco products. Vitamin B-5 is a good thing to take to improve your overall health.

Zach Whitcomb-
For the first project I had to research vitamin H and what it dose for the body. Vitamin H is received from certain intestinal bacteria, Vitamin H is also known as Biotin. This particular Vitamin is used for boosting metabolism. protects amino acids and set up for the building of protein. this particular virtaman is used for cell growth

Angela Rathbun-
Folic Acid (vitamin B-9) is also known as folate, and folacin; it's chemical name is pteroyigulamic. this is a very important vitamin. This vitamin is needed to do many things in the body. The vitamin can be made in the body and then stored in the liver.Vitamin B-9 is needed in cell growth and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B-9 is also very important in the formation of red blood cells, amino acids and last but not least energy productions. Along with those it is absolutly vital for creating heme, which is the iron substance in hemoglobin, essentail for oxygen transport. Vitamin B-9 works as a coenzyme in RNA and DNA synthesis. It is also good for digestion and for your nervous system. The vitamin also works to better your mental and emotional health. So it can be used as a treatment for depression and anxiety.Not having enough folic acid (vitamin B-9) can cause diarrhea, heartburn and constipation. For an unborn baby being deficient in the vitamin can be dangerous. It increases the risk that the baby might be born with some serious defects to its nervous system, like spina bifidia. In adults and teens when there is a deficincy of the vitamin you can sufer from fatigue, acne, sore tongue, and cracking at the corner of your mouth. Having a long term deficincy may cause anemia and cancer of the bowl and/or cervix.The recommended daily dosage of vitamin B-9 is 400 micrograms. People on meds for epilepsy need to e careful with large amounts of the vitamin because it can change the functions of those medications. But having to much of the vitamin can cover up a vitamin B-12 deficincy. Folic acid is most effective when it is taken with other B vitamins like, B-12, B-6, and vitamin C. Fresh greens like broccli, and spinich contain vitamin B-9; it is also found in fruits and starchy veggies, whole grains, and beans

Joyce Kearney-
Vitamin D also known as Cholecalcifero plays an enormous role in the development of bone growth, Vitamins D is used to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the body to create this bone. In a section from a website it states that Vitamin D can be found in different sources: “Great sources of this supplement include fortified milk, oily fish, liver, and eggs.”( There are many benefits that Vitamin D can give to the body by helping prevent substance abusers, nutritional intake, and extended stress. Vitamin D can also help people that do not receive enough sunshine by giving them the needed nutrients, vegetarians that don’t receive enough Vitamin D, and patients that suffer from cystic fibrosis patients. Vitamin D can be found in many different sources, in a section from a website of health listed them: cod-liver oil, egg substitutes, halibut-liver oil, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, sunlight, tuna, and Vitamin-D-fortified milk. ( There are many different ways that Vitamin D can be taken or used, but the best way that it can be obtained is through its liquid state. Tablets for Vitamin D can also be taken to help get the needed amount. When taking Vitamin D you should be cautious and consult your doctor and from a statement from a health website it pronounced that:“Consult your doctor if you have:have planned pregnancy while taking vitamin D, epilepsy, heart or blood-vessel disease, kidney, liver or pancreatic disease, chronic diarrhea, intestinal problems, sarcoidosis and if you are over 55:higher potential for adverse reactions and side effects.”( are some symptoms of deficiency that could occur would be weakness in the muscles, bone pain tenderness, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer and in children rickets.( There are many different signs of an overdose of Vitamin D, in a segment of a health cite described these signs:“high blood pressure, Irregular heartbeat, nausea, weight loss, seizures, abdominal pain, appetite loss, mental-and physical-growth retardation, premature hardening of arteriesKidney damage.” ( are many different side effects that are caused by Vitamin D but these are found to be the most important:The loss of appetite, dry mouth, nausea or vomiting, increased thirst, mental confusion, and headaches. If any of these systems should occur discuss with your doctor straight away.Vitamin D has different sorts of interactions such as:“Anticonvulsants: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Barbiturates: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Calcitonin: Calcitonin effect reduced when treating hypercalcemia.Calcium (high doses): Risk of hypercalcemia increased. Cholestyramine: Vitamin absorption reduced.Colestipol: Vitamin absorption reduced.Cortisone: Vitamin absorption reduced.Digitalis preparations: Heartbeat irregularities increased.Diuretics, thiazide: Hypercalcemia risk increased.Hydration: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Mineral oil: Absorption of vitamin D increased.Phosphorus- containing medicines: Risk increased of too much phosphorus in blood.Primidone : Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Vitamin-D derivatives: Increased potential for toxicity due to additive effects.Alcohol: Depletes storage of vitamin D in liver”( are very important interactions that Vitamin D can cause and should be taken seriously and looked into every few months.

James Osborne-
Vitamin K is a group of 2-methilo-naphthoquinone derivatives. There are three notable forms of vitamin K, K1 (phytonadione, phylloquinone, phytonactone), K2 (menaquinones), which can be formed by natural bacteria in the intestines, and K3 (menadione), the most active synthetic form of the preparations K3-K7. Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting and bone metabolism. High serum concentrations of undercarboxylated osteocalcin and low serum concentrations of vitamin K are associated with lower bone mineral density and increased risk of hip fracture. Vitamin K supplements may improve bone mass in postmenopausal women. Vitamin K prevents calcification of arteries and other soft tissue. Calcification of organs and other soft tissue is an adverse consequence of aging. Vitamin K may play a role in the regulation of blood sugar. The pancreas, which makes insulin, has the second highest amount of vitamin K in the body. Vitamin K's primary function is to regulate normal blood clotting due to its role in the synthesis of prothrombin. Vitamin K supplements improve bone health and reduce risk of bone fractures, particularly in postmenopausal women who are at risk for osteoporosis. Three vitamin-K dependent proteins have been isolated in bone. Higher vitamin K levels correspond to greater bone density, while low levels of vitamin K have been found in those with osteoporosis. In bones, vitamin K mediates the gamma-carboxylation of glutamyl residues on several bone proteins, notably osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is a protein synthesized by osteoblasts (bone forming cells). The mineral-binding capacity of osteocalcin requires vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylation of three glutamic acid residues.The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin K is 80 mg per day for adult males and 65 mg per day for adult females, and 5 mg/day for the newborn infant. Rich sources of vitamin K include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, spinach and soybeans.Vitamin K deficiency is very rare and occurs when there is an inability to absorb the vitamin from the intestinal tract. Vitamin K deficiency can also occur after prolonged treatment with oral antibiotics. Vitamin K deficiency is often the result of impaired absorption rather than not getting enough in the diet. Prolonged use of antibiotics can also cause a low level of this vitamin because they destroy some of the bacteria in the gut that help to produce vitamin K. Newborns are at risk for vitamin K deficiency. This is because their digestive tracts contain no vitamin K-producing bacteria. Vitamin K deficiency in adults is rare. When it occurs, it is found in people with diseases that prevent the absorption of fat. These diseases include cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and cholestasis. Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency include easy bruisability, epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding, menorrhagia and hematuria.There is no known toxicity associated with high doses of phylloquinone (vitamin K1), menaquinone (vitamin K2), or menadione (vitamin K3) and its derivatives. High intake of vitamin K is not recommended for individuals taking anticoagulant medications such as Warfarin (coumadin).

Vitamin CVitamin C is essential for our bodies. It is a vitamin that strenghtens our immune system as well by strenghting blood vessels. It also helps build collagen in our body which is needed for tissue repair. So essintially vitmain C plays a major role in the production of antibodies. It can also help reduce the effect of toxions in your body do to alcohol and drugs.It can be found in most fruits and vegtables such as; oranges, grapefruite, broccoli, and tomatoes. People who display easy brusing, prolonged colds, prolonged healing of wounds, and animea maybe deficient in vitamin C. If one has to much vitamin C in their body they may experience nausea or vomiting, abdominal cramps and appear flushed. In conclussion vitiman C is very good for your health but you can overdue causing bad side effects.

Sarah Ebare-
The Wonder of Vitamin CVitamin C is perhaps one of the most well-known vitamins in our diets. When you visit the super market you will find many products with "a full serving of vitamin C". People use Vitamin C tablets.Vitamin C is required for a healthy immune system, and can help prevent cancer, colds, cataracts, heart disease and aid in the healing of wounds. Vitamin C is also required in the synthesis of collagen in connective tissues.The ascorbic acid in Vitamin C is needed for healthy cell development, healthy gum tissues and is excellent for clearing up infection and preventing cholesterol problems.So Vitamin C is a useful and much need nutrient. What happens if the body is Vitamin C deficient?When devoid of Vitamin C, the gums will bleed, the body is weaker and bruises more easily. You can develop scurvy, the scourge of malnourished sailors. However Scurvy is easily treated with does of Vitamin C.The best dosages tend to be 60 mg per day or 200-300 mg in recent studies. While for pregnant and nursing women it is 75-95 mg.You can however overdose on this vitamin. The symptoms include gastrointestinal complaints, such a diarrhea.Now, if you do not wish to get your vitamin C, in pill form, there are many foods which contain it. Most if not all fruit contain Vitamin C while leafy green vegetables (such as Spinach) contain it as well. When taking the vitamin in pill form do not mix it with aspirin as it could cause stomach pain. Antidepressants and birth control pills can also react with it. It is best to get your vitamin see in the form of fruit or vegetable and snacks fortified with vitamin c (think of those delicious gummy snacks at the grocery store, they're loaded with a full daily value!)

My vitamin is vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Without Vitamin c your body cannot stay healthy. Its a vital vitamin because it is healthy for your blood system and nervous system; it also strengthens blood vessels. One key thing that vitamin c does is it helps the collagen tissue which helps against infection and disease. Last but not least, vitamin c helps your body if it is being over worked. For example, if your have a cold or the flu, vitamin c aids the body and strengthens your white blood cells. Some other things that the vitamin does is it can prevent allergies, can improve male fertility, may reduce cholesterol, etc. This vitamin can be found in grapefruit, lemons mango's, tomatoes, strawberries, orange juice, etc. There are many ways to get your share of this vitamin, some being, tablets, liquid formula, a shot from your doctor, your just simply eating some of the key foods that make your body healthy. Some cautions that you should be aware of before taking in vitamin c is if you have: gout, kidney stones, sickle-cell, anemia, and iron storage disease. Some side effects may be, flushed face, headache, mild diarrhea, etc. If your body takes in aspirin the vitamin c will not work as strong. Some ways that you can verify that you have overdosed is: if your face gets flushed, headache, increase in urination, diarrhea, etc.

Sarah H
-Vitamin B-12, also known as cyanocobalamin, acts as a coenzyme for the creation of DNA material. This Vitamin helps cell development and plays a big role in carbohydrates, protein, metabolism and fat. Vitamin B-12 is not found in plant foods but has good sources of this of VitaminB-12 include dairy products eggs fish and meats!This Vitamin helps the development or nerves hair, and skin. This vitamin helps with Alzheimer's and keeps your immune system strongThis vitamin is found in beef, cheese, dairy products and others such as: Eggs,Flounder, Herring, Liverwurst, Sardines, and Swiss cheese. This vitamin is available in liquids and tablets. The recommend daily intakes are for women, 2.4mcg and for men, 2.4mcg. You should keep this in the refrigerator. Symptoms from vitamin B-12 include nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, confusion, and memory loss, and skin itching.

PeppersTraditionally used as a; artery cleaner, enhance eye sight, reduce high blood pressure, and prevents hair loss. It gives a good source of potassium, silicon, vitiman A and C. The best peppers to buy are those that are green or red that have not been waxed. If you are using them in a juice they are both considered green juice. Therefore you want to keep the amount you use small. Another reason to anly use a small amount is that they have a very stronge flavor.
.CarrotsCarrots are used for artherites, cancer, eye sight, and weight loss. They are a good source of calcium, Vitiman B, D, E, K and C. The best carrots are those you grow yourself and can eat fresh right out of the garden. It is best to buy organic if you have to. In juicing carrots you will find that they are very sweet. It is best to mix them with another vegetable such as beats. Some people find that drinking carrot juice turns their skin a yellowish-orange. This is a sign that it is making your liver work to release the toxins within your body. Many people have found that using carrots and apples for juicing increases nutriance and adds flavor. That is why they are the most popular for using when juicing.
Lettuce(Iceberg) and ParsleyLettuce is a very common vegetable. Its juice is traditionally used for anemia, constipation, hair loss, insomnia, liver, nervous system, and weight loss. Iceberg Lettuce is a good source of calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, potassium, silicon, sulfur, vitamin A, and vitamin E. The way to test lettuce for freshness is if it is heavy, and the leaves are dark. Lettuce juice is a green juice and you should only have one fourth of you juice be green juice. Iceberg lettuce is good for you, but the darker lettuces are have more nutritional value. Iceberg lettuce contains Vitamin C, Riboflavin, and Thiamin.Parsley is another common vegetable, its juice is traditionally used for anemia, arthritis, bladder problems, circulation, endocrine system, eye problems, kidneys, liver, prostate, skin, urinary tract, and weight loss. It is a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, vitamin A, vitamin C, and chlorophyll. The freshness test for parsley is how dark the leaves are, the darker they are the better the parsley is. Parsley, like lettuce, is a green juice so it should only be one fourth of the juice that you drink. Parsley juice should also never be drunk by itself because it is too powerful. The three greatest amounts of vitamins in parsley are vitamin C, Riboflavin, and Thiamin.
Chicory is a plant with blue flowers. This plant is general used to strenghthen your immune system and can rarely be found in salads. Three vitamins and minerals that you can find in chicory is iron, vitamin a, and patassium. When harvesting, you should obviously find the healthies plants with a mix of white and green color to it. One warning is to not take only due to the fact that the taste is unbarable because of its bitter and sour taste. A few other vegetables that chicory goes well with is carrots and cellery.
Tomato juice is one of the most popular vegtable juices, you can find it a most every supermarket or foods store. This juice is traditionally used for bladder problems, gall bladder problems, gout, kidneys, liver, skin problems, and weight loss, and it is a good source of phosphorus, sulfur, and vitamin C. You don't want rotten tomato juice, so don't juice a rotten tomato, so when purchasing one always look for one that was vine ripened and always but in season during the summer growing season. You want to avoid hothouse tomatoes, becuase they are picked green and then gassed in order to make them red. Don't forget that tomatoes are a fruit and not a vegetable, so because of this, they are best drunk alone. There is a difference in raw and cooked tomatoes. Cooked tomatoes, can leech the body of important minerals such as calcium. Raw tomatoes are good for cleansing the body, especially the liver. Here's a funny story for those that like funny and historical stories. Tomatoes leaves are actually poisonous and for the longest time, people in North America would not eat Tomatoes thinking that if the leaves were poisonous, then so must be the fruit. The a man travelled to Italy and saw everyone eating Tomatoes to his surprise! Shocked with what he saw, he travelled back to North America and began selling crushed Tomatoes as an elixir. The belief being that if the leaves are poisonous, but the fruit isn't, then it must help make you healthy. Today, this Tomato elixir is known as ketchup.Sources used:'s a funny story for those that like funny and historical stories like myself!Tomatoes leaves are actually poisonous and for the longest time, people in North America would not eat Tomatoes thinking that if the leaves were poisonous, then so must be the fruit.The a man travelled to Italy and saw everyone eating Tomatoes to his surprise! Shocked with what he saw, he travelled back to North America and began selling crushed Tomatoes as an elixir. The belief being that if the leaves are poisonous, but the fruit isn't, then it must help make you healthy. Today, this Tomato elixir is known as ketchup.
Sarah Harmon
.Brussels Sprouts are usually used for preventing cancer, and keeping the immune system strong. Brussels sprouts are a good soucre for calcium, sulfur, potassium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B-1. When looking to buy Brussels sprouts, take caution when you see yellow in the leave colors. Look for dull colored leaves that show no wilting. The importance of Brussels sprouts are that they are found in green juice, so it will be very beneficial if you put more then 1/4 of your juice containing green juice. Did you know that Brussels Sprouts is a member of the cabbage family. Almost similar to Broccoli Brussels sprouts have a great source of calcium although it contains less vitamin A than broccoli.Carrots are traditionally used for acne, arthritis, asthma, preventing cancer, cataracts, eye problems, liver problems, and weight loss. Carrots are a good source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamins ( BCDE and K). When looking to buy carrots the freshness test always works, look for carrots with a dark orange color. Try to buy carrots without cracks. Some organic growers sell juicing carrots. Some important information on carrots is that, some may find drinking too much carrot juice turns their skin a yellowish orange color. But if this happens, it is a sign that the carrot juice is making your liver work. When your liver begins working, it releases toxins thus causing the yellowish orange color. If you turn orange i would suggest to cut down on drinking and eating carrots! Some general information about carrots that are you should try and buy organic grown carrots.
Romaine Lettuce is considered to be one of the best resources for “Prana Energy,” ( With romaine lettuce, it is used for its rich nutrients. The best way to obtain these rich nutrients is too use romaine lettuce when its leaves are at it darkest stage. To keep you romaine lettuce fresh for a long period of time break of the bottom of the lettuce to preserve this freshness. Since romaine lettuce is a green juice it is important that you don’t not have more than ¼ of you juice consisting of green juice. The darker you romaine lettuce head is, the more nutrients you will find in it like: its calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, Vitamin A and E, B-6 and potassium. All these nutrients will be found in romaine lettuce making it a good vegetable to eat.Parsnip is an essential vegetable that is used for treating acne, asthma, skink problems, arthritis, ulcers, weigh loss and cataracts. It is a good source of sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, and vitamin C. When using parsnip make sure it is colored cream. There is no real important information on parsnip. Parsnip is a sweet tasting juice that should be mixed with different juices to relax its strong amount of flavor. There are many different amounts of vitamins that can be found in parsnip like: Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin a, IU and Vitamin A, RAE.Information was found at (
For one of the vegetables I had to choose Asparagus I found that the main wses for asparagus was to help blood presure, Eye problems, kidneys, prostate, skin problems, rheumatism, nurvous system, bowel aid and, Anemia. Asparagus is a good sourse of potassium, vitamin A, Vitamin B-1, vitamin c, choline, and folic acid The best time to buy asparagus is in the season Aprol to june. you want firm but tender asparagus there are also two types of aspara gus thick or thin stememed asparagus. the second vegetable I had to do was beet green. Beet greens are normally used for Anemia circulatory problems kidneys, lymphatic circulation, menophause, tiredness, bladder problems, eye fatigue, liver, menstral problems, skin problems, weightloss problems. Beet green juice is a good sourse of Iron, potassium, vitamin B-6choline, vitamin A, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, calcim. To check of the vegi is in good shape for juicing you want a firm smooth beet dont use soft or brused beats. size dosent matter.
Collard greens are a vegetable much like spinach or beet greens. They are traditionally used for things like, asthma, scurvy, cancer, capillary, strength and cataracts. they are great source for magnesium, vitamin A and C. When you buy collard greens you want to make sure that it is fresh and to do that you need to look for slightly smaller leaves then then others. Try not to buy Collard Greens which are yellow or withered. When using collard greens in juice you should only make 1/4 of your juice with green.It is important that you don't use collard greens it you are those who suffer from or are at risk for kidney stones, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and those whose stomach is easily irritated because there is a high amount oxalic acid. But collard greens are a very nutritious food. They can be harder to digest when you eat them raw because of the cellulose walls. When juicing the greens, you will extract the nutrients and that bypasses the cellulose walls. The three greatest vitamins that you can find in collard greens are vitamin C, E, and A. So collard greens can have a good nutritional value to them.
The vegetable kale is a was formed from cabbage, but it is a more wild form then domesticated. Kale is used for things like anemia, asthma, arthritis, circulation, eye problems, hair loss, hay fever, impotence, liver, skin problems, ulcers, and weight loss. It can be a great source of calcium, iron, vitamin A and chlorophyll. When you want to use kale you should make sure that get it during the spring or fall and you should make sure that the leaves are firm. Just like the collard greens you should only use a 1/4 of the a green juice, when juicing. In general kale can have a very powerful taste. It is also good for a calcium alternative. The three major vitamins in kale are vitamin C, A and E. Kale is also great in salads.
CabbageThis project is on the health benefits of cabbage. Even though cabbage is a delicious and healthful staple in other countries, it is almost foreign to Americans. Cabbage is a sturdy, strong and abundant vegetable. It is hardy and easy to grow. It is almost universally available in all countries and cultures. Cabbage is rich in nutrition and fiber. It is an absolutely phenomenal source of vitamin C. What is even more amazing is that cabbage is famous for a specialized, naturally occurring nitrogenous compound known as indoles. Current research indicates that indoles can help lower can lower the risk of various forms of cancer. Cabbage is rich in vitamin A: responsible for the protection of your skin. Vitamin C: an all important anti-oxidant and helps the mitochondria to burn fat. Vitamin E: a fat soluble anti-oxidant which plays a role in skin integrity. Vitamin B: helps maintain integrity of nerve endings and boosts energy metabolism. Modern science has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the health benefits and therapeutic value of cabbage, which also plays a role in the inhibition of infections and ulcers. Cabbage extracts have been proven to kill certain viruses and bacteria in the laboratory setting. Cabbage boosts the immune system's ability to produce more antibodies. Cabbage provides high levels of iron and sulphur, minerals that work in part as cleansing agents for the digestive system. Try to enjoy a serving at least once a week along with your other valuable and health promoting cruciferous vegetables. Try to cook your cabbage lightly. Steaming and quick stir fry dishes are considered to be the best methods for preserving the power packed natural nutrition given so freely by Mother Nature. Cabbage soup anyone?
Radish- Radish is traditionally used for Asthma Eczema, Lung Problems, Skin Problems, Sinus Problems and Thyroid Problems. Radish is a good source of Iron, Magnesium, Potassium. Sodiuma dn Vitaminc C. When doing the freshness trest you want the radish to be nice red color. If the radish has green on the top then you cut it off so the nutrients dont go to the leaves. Its important that you mix the radishes with other vegetables because it usually has a strong taste. Some common things to mix it with are apple juice and carrot juice. Three greatest amounts of vitamins in Radish are Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin A.Spinach-Spinach is traditionally used for :AnemiaCirculationColitisConstipationEyesKidneysLiverLymph SystemNervous SystemSkin ProblemsPoor DigestionThyroid GlandsSpinach is a good source of Calcim, iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassiu, Sodium, Vitamin A, B Complex, and Chlorophyll. When doing the freshness test you want to took for dark green leaves. The darker the color is the more nutrients there are. One important thing about Spinach is that its good for your body if you have no more than 1/4 of your juice being green juice. Spinach is considered a natural Laxative so if you have to much its too much Laxative for your body. Spinach has oxalic acid in it and if your body has to much of that, then you can loose nutrients. Three vitamins that are very common in Spinach are: Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin E
My Fruit is the lemon. It is tradtionly used for anemia, arthritis, blood, constipation, gout, indigestion, scurvy, skin problems, toxin elimination, and weight loss. A lemon can be a good source of bioflavanoids, vitamin C and potassium. When telling if a lemon is freash it should not have any green on it because that means that has a high acid content. You want a lemon that has a smooth skin, that means that it will have more juice in it. It is important that you know citrus fruits can take calcium from the body if you have too much of them. All of the citrus fruits give citric acid to the body and so it is good to exercise after having a citrus fruit or drink. It is always a good idea to leave the white membrain on the lemon when juicing because ut produces bioflavanoids that helps the body absorb and use vitamin C. The best fruit to use the lemon with is the apple. The three biggest vitamin in the lemon it vitamin C, A and B.
AppleApples are a tradition fruite especially used in pies. However they have many benifical effects for our health such as; arthritis, gout, cleansing toxins in our body and are good for weight loss. Apples also have good sources of Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A just to name a few. Some people believe that you should not eat apple seeds because of the cyanide in them is toxic. Some apples have wax covering them, therefore it is better to buy organicly grown apples or eat ones you grow yourself.
Pinapple is traditionally used for Blood disorders, Digestive problems, Grout, Inflamation, Sciatica, and weight loss. Pineapple is a good source of Calcium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodiu,. Sulfur, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Bromelain. When doing the freshness test you want to look for a golden colored skin that have, sweet aroma to them. Some general information about Pineapple is that its organically grown. The pineapple has a rinda and that is the primary source for the bromelain. The rind is a natural digestive that is also known to be a natural anti-inflammatory. The three main vitamins in pineapple are, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin E.
One fruit that is extremely healthy for you is pineapple. This fruit is generally used for blood disorder, gout, sciatica, digestive problems, inflammation, and weight loss. If you are looking for clacium, potassium, vitamin A, chlorine, sodium, vitamin C, phosphorus, sulfur, and bromelain. The way to test if a pineapple is ripe is if it has a golding brown color to the outside. Also a technique that i have found is if the tassles on the top pull out easily. If a pineapple is grown organically it is ok to eat it/grind it up. This part of the fruit is good for you because the rind is the main source of bromelain.
Strawberries are traditionally used for acne, weight loss, constipation, kidneys, gout, and fluid retention. Strawberries are a great source of calcium, iron, phophorus, potassium, and vitamin c. For the freshness test you want to make sure you buy them during strawberry season. If you have any kind of reactions while eating strawberries then you should consult your doctor about whether or not you can juice them. Strawberries are really high in natural sugars, so if you have any kind of sugar illness, you need to be careful. Strawberry juice tends to be on the thick side, so it is suggested that you dilute it with another kind of juice or water. They are also very high in vitamin c, vitamin a, and
Sarah Harmon.
Canberries are traditionally used for bladder, hemorrhoids, indigestion, rectal problems, urinary tract problems and weight loss. cranberries are a great soucre for calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C. When looking to buy canberries, look for cranberries that are firm with a rich and deep color. Important information that you need to know is that canberries are very acidic, which if you drink canberry juice your urine with become more acidic and if you have a urinary tract promblem you should ask you doctor beofre drinking it. Canberrys also contain very high amounts of sugar. Some genral information you need to know about canberries is that they are grown by bogs, the bog water is drained and the cranberry feild is flooded!
Lime is usually used for arthritis, skin problems, scurvy, indigestion, constipation and weight loss. The fruit; lime is an excellent source of potassium, bioflavanoid and Vitamin C. When looking for limes they should have a smooth skin which usually has more juice. Some important information to know is that when eating limes this fruit is full of citrus can take away calcium from the body. More information to know is that when drinking a citrus kind of fruit you should exercise, since limes add more acid into the body. There are many kinds of vitamins that can be found inside limes such as; Vitamin E, Vitamin A IU, and Vitamin C.
Cantalope is a good way to solve the fallowing problems Constapation, kidney problems skin disorders, digestive tonic and bladder problems to see if your melon is fresh you put your finger where the vine was attached and push in slightly and then remove your finger the cantalope should stay round. Iy is vary important that you dont mix with the melon wheil jucing melons taste better when drunk alone. a lot of the melons nutriants come from its rind so you want to juce the rined also.

My Projects

Juice Project

The Brain Stimulator
1 oranges
1 hard pears
1 yam
1 grapefruit
1 apple
Scientists have determined that we use only 10 percent of the brain. Living on coffee and donuts reduces that percentage to 2 percent. Here is a juice to stimulate all of that unused percentage back into activity. For this juice to be effective, you need a five-day juice fast to clear the coffee, donut and junk food residues out of the bloodstream. Once clear, this wide-spectrum, nutrient-rich juice will stir the brain into super-activity. Better memory, sharper thinking and good study techniques are the tools for great marks. No more morning brain fog. Now you can leap out of bed to study while brushing your teeth and preparing for the day.
the orange is traditionaly used for helping Anemia, Blood, Constipation,Gout,Indigestion,liver lungs scurvy skin problems and weight loss. oranges are a good source of Calcium,Chlorine, Iron, Vitamin E,vitamin K,
the pear is traditionaly used for,Bladder Problems,Liver,Constipation,Prostate,and Toxin Elimination. pears are a good source of Phosphorus,Potassium,Vitamin A ,Vitamin B-1 & 2, Vitamin C,Folic Acid, and Pectin.
the yam is traditionaly used for Complexion, and Eliminative System. yams are a good source of
Calcium,Potassium,Vitamin A, and Vitamin C.
the grapefruit is traditionaly used for Bruises,Colds,Gums,Indigestion,Scurvy,Skin Problems, Teeth,and Varicose Veins. the grapefruit is a good source of Calcium,Phosphorous,Potassium,
B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Biotin, and Inositol.
the apple is traditionaly used for Arthritis, Bowel Stimulator, Calming of Digestive System,
Cleanse Intestines of Toxins, Digestive Stimulant, Fingernails, Gout, Hair, Indigestion, Kidneys
Liver, Rheumatism, Skin, and Weight Loss
this information was found at
what i did was found a recipie off the first website and poasted what they said about the drink, then i went to the jucie website that we researched on alredy and found the second information. i then posted what the item was used for and what it had a good source of in it.
Grain Group
For this project the class was borken into 5 groups. my group was the grain group and it was me beth and madison. we divided up the questions. the first two where mine the third one was beths and the last two where madisons. my first question is What foods are in the grain group?
Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is a grain product. some examples of those are bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits.
Grains can be devided into two groups, Whole grains, and refined grains.Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel -- the bran, germ, and endosperm. some examples of those are whole-wheat flour,bulgur (cracked wheat),oatmeal,whole cornmeal,and brown rice. Refined grains have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ. This is done to give grains a finer texture and improve their shelf life, but it also removes dietary fiber, iron, and many B vitamins. Some examples of refined grain products are white flour,degermed cornmeal,white bread, and white rice. Most refined grains are enriched. This means certain B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid) and iron are added back after processing. Fiber is not added back to enriched grains. Check the ingredient list on refined grain products to make sure that the word “enriched” is included in the grain name. Some food products are made from mixtures of whole grains and refined grains.
The second question i had to research is How much is needed?
The amount of grains you need to eat depends on your age, sex, and level of physical activity. Recommended daily amounts are listed in the chart. Most Americans consume enough grains, but few are whole grains. At least ½ of all the grains eaten should be whole grains. click on the link below to see chart
Health Benefits and NutrientsEating
grains, especially whole grains, provides health benefits. People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Grains provide many nutrients that are vital for the health and maintenance of our bodies.Health benefitsConsuming foods rich in fiber, such as whole grains reduces the risk of heart disease. Consuming foods rich in fiber, such as whole grains, as part of a healthy diet, may reduce constipation. Eating at least 3 ounce equivalents a day of whole grains may help with weight management. Eating grains fortified with folate before and during pregnancy helps prevent tube defects during fetal development. Grains are important sources of many nutrients, including dietary fiber, several B vitamins and minerals. Dietary fiber from whole grains helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as whole grains help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories. Whole grains are good sources of dietary fiber; most refined grains contain little fiber. B vitamins are also essential for a healthy nervous system. Many refined grains are enriched with these B vitamins. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume adequate folate, including folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. This reduces the risk of tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development. Iron is used to carry oxygen in the blood. Many teenage girls and women in their childbearing years have iron-deficiency anemia. They should eat foods high in heme-iron (meats) or eat other iron containing foods along with foods rich in vitamin C, which can improve absorption of non-heme iron. Whole and enriched refined grain products are major sources of non-heme iron in American diets. sources:
Tips to help you eat whole grains
At Meals:To eat more whole grains, substitute a whole-grain product for a refined product – such as eating whole-wheat bread instead of white bread or brown rice instead of white rice. It’s important to substitute the whole-grain product for the refined one, rather than adding the whole-grain product. For a change, try brown rice or whole-wheat pasta. Try brown rice stuffing in baked green peppers or tomatoes and whole-wheat macaroni in macaroni and cheese.Use whole grains in mixed dishes, such as barley in vegetable soup or stews and bulgur wheat in casserole or stir-fries. Create a whole grain pilaf with a mixture of barley, wild rice, brown rice, broth and spices. For a special touch, stir in toasted nuts or chopped dried fruit.Experiment by substituting whole wheat or oat flour for up to half of the flour in pancake, waffle, muffin or other flour-based recipes. They may need a bit more leavening. Use whole-grain bread or cracker crumbs in meatloaf. Try rolled oats or a crushed, unsweetened whole grain cereal as breading for baked chicken, fish, veal cutlets, or eggplant parmesan. Try an unsweetened, whole grain ready-to-eat cereal as croutons in salad or in place of crackers with soup. Freeze leftover cooked brown rice, bulgur, or barley. Heat and serve it later as a quick side dish.As Snacks:Snack on ready-to-eat, whole grain cereals such as toasted oat cereal. Add whole-grain flour or oatmeal when making cookies or other baked treats. Try a whole-grain snack chip, such as baked tortilla chips. Popcorn, a whole grain, can be a healthy snack with little or no added salt and butter. What to Look for on the Food Label:Choose foods that name one of the following whole-grain ingredients first on the label’s ingredient list:“brown rice”“bulgur”“graham flour”“oatmeal”“whole-grain corn”“whole oats”“whole rye”“whole wheat”“wild rice”Foods labeled with the words “multi-grain,” “stone-ground,” “100% wheat,” “cracked wheat,” “seven-grain,” or “bran” are usually not whole-grain products. Color is not an indication of a whole grain. Bread can be brown because of molasses or other added ingredients. Read the ingredient list to see if it is a whole grain. Read the food label’s ingredient list. Look for terms that indicate added sugars and oils that add extra calories. Choose foods with fewer added sugars, fats, or oils. Most sodium in the food supply comes from packaged foods. Similar packaged foods can vary widely in sodium content, including breads.Whole Grain Tips for ChildrenSet a good example for children by eating whole grains with meals or as snacks. Let children select and help prepare a whole grain side dish. Teach older children to read the ingredient list on cereals or snack food packages and choose those with whole grains at the top of the list.Sources:

Eat these amounts from each food group daily. This plan is a 2800 calorie food pattern. It is based on average needs for someone like you. (A 17 year old male, 5 feet 9 inches tall, 183 pounds, physically active less than 30 minutes a day.) Your food needs also depend on your rate of growth and other factors. See a health care provider who can track your height and weight over time to identify your specific needs.
Grains= 10 ounces
vegatables= 3.5 cups
fruits= 2.5 cups
milk= 3 cups
meat and beans= 7 ounces

1 Make Half Your Grains Whole Aim for at least 5 ounces of whole grains a day

2 Vary Your Veggies
Aim for this much every week:Dark Green Vegetables 3
cups weeklyOrange Vegetables =2 1/2
cups weeklyDry Beans & Peas =3 1/2
cups weeklyStarchy Vegetables =7
cups weeklyOther Vegetables =8 1/2

the first vegatable i had was red cabbage. it is used for many things such as, helping asthma, high blood pressure, hairloss and long problems. it is a good source of Chlorine,Iodine,Potassium, Sulfur,Vitamin B-6,Vitamin C, and Vitamin U. for the freshness test you look for a heavy solid cabbage with the leaves that are full of color. it is important that you remember that sense cabbage is a green juice that your drink only consist of 1/4th green juice to be benaficial. other things to remember is that cabbage can cause some people to have gas and it can also cause mild cramping in the intestains. this happens because cabbage is high in sulfur.some general things, cabbage is cheap and high in nutrients, also it is better for you raw then cooked.
the second vegatable i have is collard greens. this vegatable is known for helping with Asthma, Scurvy,Cancer,Capillary Strength, andCataracts. this vegatable is a good source of Magnesium,
Vitamin A, andVitamin C. for the freshness test you want to look for smaller leaves and you want to stay away from yellow looking leaves. important things to know are the collard greens are another green juice so you dont want your drink to consist of more then 1/4th of them. other important things are are high in oxalic acid and should be avoided by those who suffer from or are at risk for kidney stones, gout, rheumatoid rthritis, osteoporosis and those whose stomach is easily irritated. general information on collard greens, Greens are very nutritious foods. Greens are generally speaking harder to digest when you eat them raw due to cellulose walls. When you juice the greens, you extract the nutrients thus bypassing the cellulose walls.

my vitamin was B-2 and useing the link provided i found the following infomation.

Overview:Vitamin B-2, otherwise known as riboflavin, is readily absorbed from foods, such as meat, dairy products, and fortified grains. This vitamin is essential to energy generation, nerve development, blood cell development, and the regulation of certain hormones.
How This Vitamin Works in Your Body:Releasing food energyNormal growth and developmentKeeps healthy mucous membranes linings together with vitamin AKeeps healthy brain and nervous system, skin, hair, and blood cellsEssential for iron, pyridoxine, and niacin functionsCould increase growth of body during development stagesPotential treatment for cheilitis
The following may benefit from this supplement:People with needed nutritional supplementsPregnant or breastfeeding womenSubstance abusersPeople with excess stress or who have undergone recent surgeryHyperthyroidism sufferersParticipants in vigorous physical activity
Where This Vitamin is Found:BananasBeef liverDairy productsEggsEnriched breadsFortified cerealsHamMixed vegetablesPorkTunaWheat germ
How to Use:Available as:Liquid: the best form due to its high bioavailability and fast absorption. Always choose liquid as your first choice when supplementing your diet.
Tablets: available
Recommended Daily IntakesMen: 1.3 mgWomen: 1.1 mgPregnancy: 1.4 mgLactation: 1.6 mg
Cautions:Consult your doctor if you have:Are or planning to be pregnant.
Over 55:Increased need for riboflavin.
Pregnancy:Keep within DRI.
Breastfeeding:Keep within DRI.
Storage:Heat and/or moisture may alter the vitamin. Refrigeration is recommended.
Symptoms of Deficiency:Symptoms include red, swollen, cracked mouth and tongue; fatigue; depression; anemia; and greasy, scaly skin. The formation of cataracts may be a result of this vitamin deficiency.
Overdose:Signs of Overdose:None expected in individuals with normal kidney functioning. However, in rare cases, symptoms may be itching, numbness, a burning sensation, or light sensitivity.
Side Effects:Reaction or effect : What to doYellow urine (in large doses) : No needed action. Interactions:Interacts with : Combined effectAntidepressants (tricyclic) : Reduces B-2 efficacy. Phenothiazines : Reduces B-2 efficacy.Probenecid : Reduces B-2 efficacy. Alcohol/Tobacco products : Reduces B-2 efficacy.

Reflective Writes

today we went and woerked on the wiki sight, i could not post during this time the wiki wasnt working, many other students had the same problem.
we watched a verry old movie on dession makeing and it was done by a comedian who acted like a kid durring his act, he showed kids how dumb they where by acting like them. it talked a lot about teen pregnancies and drug use.
today is the day i presented on the effects of smokeing, i made it quiet obvious to the calss that i did not like the website that we had to use. but i also tole the about how quitting smokeing cause betetr health less bad smelling things, more money in you pocket, and an assortment of other things. then james persented on withdrawl and what happens when you go through it,
i was not in class on this day i herd from classmates that you guys played cards.
we talked more about testi cancer.
today we went into the comp lab and took aprt in the drug question and answer thing, the profesionals at the center answerd some questions, many of the questions they wasted there time answereing where dumb ones like " are you there" and " are you humans " instead of answering good questions. they did manage to answer some questions but not verry many. for a room full of people in a 24 hour period they answer about ass many questions as a single person answerd for me one night on an ISP chat site.
today in class i did my juicing project and made a huge mess like always, the big kahounas anticipated my over abundance of mess and juice and came prepaird with large cups for us. after i was done makeing a mess we talked about testi cancer and that the sooner you catch it the better chancees of getting rid of it you got.
in class today we began research on tobbaco things mine was how effects that happen after quiting. in my research i found that bad smelling clothing disaperas if you stop smokeing . so folkes forget doing laundry start smokeing then stop you will be all set :)....(btw im just kidding please wash your clothing, thank you)
today in calss we had a presentor. his nam was riki and he talked about differnt contraseptives. he talked alot about what could happen if un-safe-sex is praticed and how many STIs have common symtoms and the best way to find out is to get tested.
today in class we had a presenter who talked to us about STIs. ricky talked about the 7 most common stis. they are Chlamydia, Gonorrhiea, Syphilis, HIV/Aids, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, and Crabs. POST NOT FINISHED HAD TO SWITCH CLASSES
today in class we saw a presentation on organ donation. this was presented by Mr. Carter, he talked about how organs work, sizes of organs, what happens when those organs fail, how long an organ can be out of a body and still be effective, two different ways of dieing and many other things. one of the main organs that mr carter focused on was the liver and how you need it to survive. also that if your liver is not working properly that you need to be on a machine called dalysis. this filters your blood and it needs to happen 3 times a week. when you finaly get a new liver then you need to take exspensive drugs for the rest of your life. its $1,100 a month and it makes your body accept the organ. if you dont take the medication your immune system will attack the organ and you will die. Mr carter also talked about how to become an organ donner. even if your lisence is signed saying that you will donate organs your closest loved on still has to ok it otherwise they cant take out the organs. he also talked about how the liver can regenerate itself. so you can take part of someones liver and then give it to someone who needs it and it will grow to full size in 6 weeks. he also talked about driver ed related stuff like,In 1964-ford was the first to put seat belts into American cars,In 1950's-volvo was the first car to put seatbelts in,In 1968-it was made a law so that all cars must have seatbelts,In 2001-the law "click it or ticket" was enforced. Neils Bjorn designed the shoulder strap for the seat belt.
today in class people presented there vitamin projects. things we learned during this time are: Cologen is what holds tissue together in animals
Vitamin C helps strengthen blood vessels
Vitamin C is not as effective if your taking asprin
today in class we found out about our new project, and the health pyramid. we learned that we are going to be in groups of 3 for this project and we will all ahve to work together for the final product. my two partners are maddison and beth. we are the first group and our project is on grains. there are five parts to the project so someone is going to have to do extra work. we also have independent projects that we will ahve to work on as we work on the group project.
i have not yet posted on class because the first attempt when i hit post blog it did not post it instead went back to the dashboard and did not save my post. then today when i tried to post my computer's powercord died and i was unable to post, this is why my post is late. i was not in class the full time because i was in a meeting, from the time i got to class to the end we watched 3 videos. the 3 videos where on 3 different juicers rangeing in quality and in price. Breville Juice Fountain Elite is the first one we looked at it is all stainless steal and has a titamium cutting blade with very few parts to clean the motor is 1000 watts which spins the blade at 13,000 rpms. this is the one we will be useing in class. the second one we looked at was Jack Lalanne it works as both a juicer and a food prosessor. It has a stainless steal cutting blade and it has only 2 parts that need to be cleaned. the third one was the juicer man and he gave a free hippo when you bought his juicer. he didnt explan about his jucier just said free hippo.
What is juicing and why would you want to have juicing be part of a healthy lifestyle? yesterday we learned that our next topic will be jucing. we where told to research the given websites and find out what we could about juicing and why it is good for us. when looking at the websites i found out that depending on how your indvidual body works you should drink different kinds of juice diets. like if you are a protine type you should only use certain vegatables like "celery, spinach, asparagus, string beans and cauliflower (including the base)." i also found out that the serving sizes should not be more then 6 Oz and can get as low as 3 to 4 Oz. i also found out that it is an easy way to get as many nutrients from a vegatable as possable. also the website i put above tells ways to get more out of jucing like adding eggs or garlic or protein powder. I have a question though, at an earlier date it was said to be good for you to drink raw eggs and so many people did. But now-a-days its said to be bad to drink raw eggs and this website suggest organic eggs. dose the organic eggs make a difference in salmonella, and if it dose not make a difference then is the health tips that this website are giveing a good idea to be listening to.


Today we had a shortened class because of NECAP testing scedual. We went for a walk outside to see how the simplest things can be health related such as the sun or walking to the cone thing in 15 seconds then the bees and trash. then we talked about how sports pretain to all 5 areas of health. then we watched some videos on juice and how to make it yourself.


Today i learned how to make my own blogspot account and a wiki account. then i changed my password for both. i added videos to my blog then i added two links. then changed my backround. then i insurted ther picture on the left of a band that i got off the internet useing there url as a host so i didnt need to save the picture to the computer.